5 most valuable sleep tips for newborns

Sleep is essential for your baby’s health and well-being. Quality sleep plays a crucial role in your baby’s growth and development. Here are five simple tips to help both you and your little one get more zzz’s.

Establish a Routine ⏰

Sleep cues are key when teaching babies that it’s bedtime. A consistent routine—such as bath, bottle or breastfeeding, and bed—is a great place to start.

Avoid Overstimulation 📺

As bedtime approaches, try to limit playtime and screen time, as these can stimulate your baby and make it harder for them to wind down.

Optimize Their Sleep Environment 🏡

For the first six months, babies should sleep in the same room as their parents for both naps and nighttime sleep. During the day, keep the curtains open, and at night, close them to help your baby start distinguishing between day and night.

Be Prepared 💪

Newborns will wake up frequently during the night for the first few months. Have essentials like clean onesies, teething relief, diapers, and wipes within easy reach to avoid fumbling around in low light.

Know How Much Sleep They Need 😴

Newborns sleep on and off throughout the day and night, typically 14-17 hours in total. By three months, babies begin developing day and night sleep patterns and will start sleeping longer stretches at night. Between 4-12 months, they generally need 12-15 hours of sleep per day.