coronavirus school closures: back to basics

Since schools in the U.S. have closed, there has been a surge of great children’s daily routine templates floating around the internet. However, with all these sudden changes, adjusting to new routines can feel overwhelming—especially considering the other pressures we parents are now facing.

Our preschoolers are also affected by these closures, and since they don’t have schoolwork to follow at home, keeping them entertained is more important than ever. In an ideal world, we’d love to say just relax, slow down, and enjoy time with your children, but let’s be realistic—many parents are still working during this time. That’s why child-led activities may be a lifesaver. With our go-to play centers, swimming pools, and local farms temporarily closed, many of us are going back to basics.

So here at Sweet Dreamers, we’d like to suggest a balanced approach during this tricky time—mixing structured activities with free, unstructured play. We’re not going to give you an hour-by-hour breakdown of the day because, as we all know, kids at home are very different from kids in a structured school setting. Instead, here’s a list of 30 fun, free activities to do whenever you need them:

  1. Play board games
  2. Sit down and eat meals together
  3. Draw pictures
  4. Do sticker books
  5. Read together
  6. Read independently
  7. Offer to help neighbors where possible
  8. Free play—let kids make their own entertainment
  9. Write short stories
  10. Call or FaceTime family members
  11. Go for a nature walk
  12. Plant flowers or herbs
  13. Play hide and seek
  14. Ride bikes or scooters
  15. Watch a movie
  16. Bake treats
  17. Play soccer in the backyard
  18. Let kids help with age-appropriate chores
  19. Do arts and crafts
  20. Play music and dance
  21. Play with toys
  22. Cook dinner together
  23. Do a puzzle
  24. Take a nap (if you’re lucky!)
  25. Practice handwriting
  26. Follow a kids' fitness routine online
  27. Color in coloring books
  28. Blow bubbles outside
  29. Go to the park (if possible)
  30. Most importantly—laugh together and stay positive. This will pass!

Repeat as needed!

We’d love to hear what activities you’re doing—drop a comment below and let’s all share ideas!

Baa for now x