How you can help your little one give up their pacifier

If your little one uses a pacifier, the thought of them giving it up can feel overwhelming. No parent wants to see their child upset, so if you’re looking for a gentle approach, a gradual weaning method might be the right choice for you. Whenever and for whatever reason you decide to take the plunge, we have some helpful tips to get you started.

First, we recommend considering your child’s daily routine. Make sure there are no big changes coming up, such as a switch in daycare, vacation plans, or potty training. It’s best to begin the transition when their schedule is calm and consistent.

The best way to start is by removing the pacifier when your child doesn’t need it. Keep it out of sight during these times to prevent them from grabbing it out of habit. Consider moments when your child is already engaged, such as playing with toys, eating meals, or taking a bath. This will help them adjust to not having their pacifier all the time. Consistency is key, so be sure to inform caregivers and family members about your new pacifier boundaries to avoid any confusion.

Once this approach starts to work, you can gradually reduce the time your child has with their pacifier when they do use it. By slowly decreasing their pacifier time each day or week, they’ll begin to adjust. Move at your child’s pace to ensure a smooth transition.

Now it’s time to tackle those trickier emotional moments. Start with daytime only, allowing your child to adapt gradually. This is when introducing an alternative comfort item may help. Soft stuffed animals or security blankets are popular choices since they provide a soothing, tactile comfort. If your child is old enough, let them pick out their own new comfort item to help them feel more in control of the change.

You know your child best, so trust your instincts when handling their tears. If possible, try using rocking techniques along with a soft toy or blanket to provide comfort. It may take some time for them to adjust, and if you find yourself reaching for the pacifier, that’s okay—just try again next time.

Once you’ve established a daytime routine without the pacifier, you can begin working on nighttime. Use the same techniques as above to gradually limit pacifier use at bedtime. Expect some challenges, and don’t feel discouraged if it doesn’t happen overnight. A gradual approach is exactly that—slow and steady, but still making progress.

We hope these tips help guide your little one toward a pacifier-free future! If you’re looking for extra comfort options, check out our collection of Ewan Baa Baa Blankies, perfect for snuggles when needed. :)

Baa for now x