6 Halloween COVID friendly activities

Halloween isn’t canceled this year—it’s just a little different! So, we’ve put together a few fun, COVID-friendly activities to get the whole family involved….

Trick-or-Treat Hunt – Turning your home and backyard into a trick-or-treat hunt is a great way for your little ones to collect all the sweet treats they love on Halloween. Harmless tricks—like a cute paper ghost or a fake spider in place of some treats—will keep them on their toes and excited to search for more.

Movie Night – Get cozy on the couch with your treats and watch a Halloween movie! Choosing an age-appropriate film for your kids is best if you want bedtime to go smoothly after all the spooky fun  

Dance Party – You don’t need a big crowd to have a dance party at home! Put on your costumes, turn up the playlist, and dance to Halloween favorites like *Thriller*, *Monster Mash*, and *The Addams Family* theme song to get the party started!

Pumpkin Decorating – If you’re up for carving, scoop out those pumpkins, carve fun or spooky designs, and light them up with candles for a classic Halloween feel. If carving sounds like too much work, let your little ones decorate the outside of the pumpkin with whatever craft supplies you have—glitter, pom-poms, stickers, paint, markers, tissue paper—the possibilities are endless!

Pumpkin Patches – Most pumpkin patches are still open and have all the COVID safety measures in place. Be sure to book in advance, as they likely have limited capacity. Avoid peak times for a more relaxed and enjoyable visit.

Haunted Gingerbread House – Gingerbread houses are usually a holiday tradition, but why not give them a spooky twist? Decorate with spiderweb icing and add green and purple candies for a haunted look—plus, it’ll be delicious to eat afterward!

No matter what the current restrictions are in your area, we hope these ideas bring some Halloween magic to your home this year.

Boo for now x